Inflatable Kayak

Current High Bid: NO BIDS

Item Value: $339

  • Item Number: 1206

  • Minimum Bid: $119

  • Minimum Bid Increment: $20


The Intex Excursion™ Pro inflatable 2-person vinyl Kayak has everything you need to enjoy your day on the lake, river, or ocean: Packaged with a pair of aluminum oars and an air pump, adjustable seats and built-in footrests to keep you comfortable, fishing rod holders on each side for hands-free fishing and a waterproof bag you can latch onto the front for anything you need to carry out onto the water. Since it’s inflatable, it’s easy to stow on a car or in the back of a truck with handles on the front and back providing an easy way to carry it over land or onto a beach. Beach Bag with Towels, water soakers, plastic cups and more. Sponsored by Monarch Boys Basketball

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